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How much is a 1.5 carat diamond?

There are many factors that affect loose diamond prices, including shape, color, cut, clarity, and carat. Round diamonds are more expensive per carat weight than the nine fancy diamond shapes.

How big is a 1.5 carat diamond?

The shape and individual cut of a diamond determine the size of the stone. On average, a one-and-a-half-carat round diamond will measure 7.4mm in diameter, while an oval cut measures 9mm x 6mm. We invite you to explore our diamond size chart for illustrations of the differences in all shapes and sizes.

Which of the 4Cs is the most important?

The 4Cs are carat, color, clarity, and cut. Carat impacts the price the most, but when you want to maximize brilliance, the cut grade is the most important.

How can I maximize my budget for a 1.5 carat diamond?

One of the best ways to make your budget go farther is to "buy shy" and look for diamonds that have a carat weight of just under 1.5 rather than a 1.5 carat weight.

Is a 1.5 carat diamond considered big?

The visual size of a 1.5 CT diamond ring will depend on the ring’s design and the exact gemstone’s cut. 1.5 carat diamond rings typically feature a diamond that is around 7.4mm in diameter. Different cuts will offer different sizes at the 1.5 carat weight, all depending on the individual gemstone’s faceting.

What kind of jewelry includes 1.5 CT diamonds?

This diamond carat weight is ideal for engagement rings, offering an attention-grabbing gemstone that fits solitaire, halo, vintage-inspired and virtually any setting style. If you’re searching for a 1.5 carat diamond to include in other styles, consider a pair of matching diamond earrings or a standalone diamond pendant necklace.

Is a 1.5 CT diamond ring too big?

The right carat weight is all about the wearer and their preferences. Many people consider 1.5 CT diamond rings to be the perfect size.

What is the difference between a 1.5 carat diamond and a 1.5 CTW diamond piece of jewelry?

CTW stands for carat total weight, which is the measurement of the weight of all the diamonds in a piece of jewelry. Carat weight, on the other hand, represents the weight of just one diamond. Halo engagement rings often have a CTW measurement that accounts for all the diamonds in the piece while a solitaire engagement ring will include the weight of just one diamond.
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